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Trilium Rocks!

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Trilium  really does rock! Don't believe me? Well this entire website was made using the shared notes feature inside Trilium with a little bit of extra CSS and JS also contained in Trilium.

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It turns Trilium into an insanely powerful WYSIWYG website creator. But that's just a side feature of Trilium, it's so much more powerful with endless possibilities.

Why It Rocks#

If somehow you aren't already convinced, take a look below for even more reasons why Trilium rocks!

Built-in Features#

This section is shamelessly borrowed from Trilium's README.

Community Addons#

Nriver maintains an awesome list of addons for Trilium made by the community. Check out the official list on GitHub. We do mirror the list here on the Showcase page if you just want a quick look.

Custom Scripts#

In addition to using community made scripts, widgets, themes, and everything in between, Trilium leaves things open-ended for you the end-user. You can script as much or as little as you like inside Trilium. You can automate all kinds of workflows, do data analysis, or even simple things like set a keybind to open a specific note. The world is your oyster as they say, and Trilium is your world. Pretend that made sense.


About This Site#

This website is not at all affiliated with Trilium Notes or its creator(s). The site is broken up into a few main sections that you can see in the navigation bar at the top of the page. At a high level, there's two sections targeting end-users, two sections targeting developers, and one meant for everyone.


This site is still a work-in-progress! Writing documentation isn't the most fun thing in the world so this will just be something I work on when I have free time. You'll usually find me working on one of my Trilium-related addons, Trilium itself, or my other open-source project: BetterDiscord.


Rather than saying some specific goals of what this site strives to be, I'll say what it strives not to be; This site is not meant to be a complete recreation of the Wiki with every detail and page included. It is meant to be a (mostly) one-stop shop for users and developers alike looking to supplement their knowledge. It may at some point expand and include everything from the wiki because users tend to prefer a fancier UI like this, but it is not the end-goal.


Since this entire site is just a share from my personal Trilium instance, there is no easy way to contribute new pages or fixes for typos. At some point I will create a GitHub repository for this site's supplementary CSS and JS, and that repository can also act as a home for issues and discussion. But who knows, maybe within that time frame I'll think of some clever way to introduce contributions.