🎨 Themes
App Themes#
App Themes provide theming to the Trilium application. Typically, these notes are labeled with `#appTheme` with a value which indicates the name of the theme displayed in Trilium's options panel.
- Bing Daily Theme
Automatically receive the Bing daily wallpaper every day for Trilium.
- Blue Theme
A brilliant and beautiful theme. Thanks SiriusXT!
- breeze-trilium
KDE Breeze theme for Trilium Notes
- Catppuccin
A theme for Trilium Notes, made with Catppuccin palette.
- Lightpad
A light theme with numerous user-friendly adjustments, greatly enhancing the mobile experience.
- Chameleon Theme
A set of light and dark colour themes for Trilium.
- Linen Theme
A minimal, airy light theme for Trilium with an optional distraction-free mode.
- Melon Theme
A delightful theme.
- Mist-Moon
A Light Theme inspired by mist moon night view.
- NieR-Automata Theme
A fan-made NieR-Automata game UI like theme. This theme is made by me :)
- Obsidian Theme
- Trilium Greensidian Theme
Green color version of Obsidian Theme
- Trilium Greensidian Theme
- Solarized theme
Brings the classic solarized themes to Trilium! It comes in both light and dark.
- Stellar Dark Theme
A different taste of dark theme.
- VSCode-Dark Theme
It's VSCode!
Sharing Themes#
Sharing themes provide theming to shared notes!
Sharing themes provide theming to shared notes! A sharing note can use custom theme by using ~shareCss
relation to a css note. See Styling the shared notes for more info.
- Ankia-Theme
A card-style Trilium blog theme.
- FrostMiKu/Share.CSS
A nice and clean theme for sharing notes. You should try it!
- ysslang's theme
Paper with shadow effect, cool!